International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science
IBWAP 2025, July 09-12, Constanta, Romania

23th International Balkan Workshop on
Applied Physics and Materials Science

23th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science

Constanta, Romania | July 09-12, 2025

Important Dates

Registration & Abstract submission deadline
April 15th 2025
Notification of acceptance
April 25th 2025
June 10th 2025
Conference date
July 9th - 12th 2025


  • Mitica Dragusin (President – Romanian Physical Society)
  • Radu Constantinescu (President – Balkan Physical Union)
  • Adrian Alexandru Badea (President – The Academy of Romanian Scientists)
  • Ioan-Aurel Pop (President – Romanian Academy)
  • Ekaterina Batchvarova (Vice President of BPU),
  • Kostas Vourlias (Executive Secretary of BPU),
  • Omer Yavas (Coordinator for International Projects of BPU),
  • Goran Djordjević (Member of the BPU Council),
  • Alexander Petrov (Union of Physicists in Bulgaria),
  • Baki Akkus (Turkish Physical Society),
  • Efstratios Theodossiou (Hellenic Physical Society),
  • Emil Burzo (Romanian Physical Society and Romanian Academy of Science),
  • Polikron Dhoqina (Albanian Physical Society),
  • Predrac Miranovic (Physical Society of Montenegro),
  • Demetrios Philippou (Physical Society of Cyprus),
  • Yeşim Öktem (Turkish Physical Society),
  • Angelos Angelopoulos (Hellenic Physical Society),
  • Antoneta Deda (Albanian Physical Society),
  • Predrac Miranovic (Physical Society of Montenegro),
  • Stavros Ioannou (Physical Society of Cyprus),
  • Efstathios Polychroniadis (Hellenic Physical Society)
  • Dan-Marcel Iliescu (Rector – Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Mihai Girtu (Prorector Research and Innovation – Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Viorica Popescu (Dean of Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering – Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Florin Moscalu (Chair – Department of Physics and Electronics of Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering – Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Victor Ciupina (Academy of Romanian Scientists – President Constanta Branch)
  • Rodica Vladoiu (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Marius C. Belc (Ovidius University of Constanta, President – Rom. Phys. Soc. Constanta Branch)
  • Aurelia Mandes-Vaduva (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Virginia Dinca-Balan (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Corneliu I Oprea (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Jeanina Lungu (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Viorel Ionescu (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
  • Alexandru Aldea (Romania)
  • Horia Alexandru (Romania)
  • Stefan Antohe (Romania)
  • Simion Astilean (Romania)
  • Victor Ciupina (Romania)
  • Emil Burzo (Romania)
  • Metin Arik (Turkey)
  • Nicolae Avram (Romania)
  • Dimiter Balabanski (Bulgaria)
  • Antun Balaž (Serbia)
  • Virgil Baran (Romania)
  • Ibrahim Belenli (Turkey)
  • Pellumb Berberi (Albania)
  • Aleksandar Bogojević (Serbia)
  • Dennis Bonatsos (Greece)
  • Madalin Bunoiu (Romania)
  • Gheorghe Cata-Danil (Romania)
  • Gabriela Carja (Romania)
  • Gheorghe V. Cimpoca (Romania)
  • Horia Chiriac (Romania)
  • Onuc Cozar (Romania)
  • Dragoljub Dimitrijevic (Serbia)
  • Maria Dinescu (Romania)
  • Ivan Dojcinovic (Serbia)
  • Mahmut Dogru (Turkey)
  • Branko Dragovic (Serbia)
  • Mustafa Erol (Turkey)
  • Mats Fahlman (Sweden)
  • Constantin Grigoriu (Romania)
  • Husnu Salih Guder (Turkey)
  • Mihai Girtu (Romania)
  • Dan Grecu (Romania)
  • Felicia Iacomi (Romania)
  • Alexandru Jipa (Romania)
  • Wilhelm Kappel (Romania)
  • Margarit Pavelescu (Romania)
  • Nafiye Gunec Kiyak (Turkey)
  • Dragana Krstić (Serbia)
  • Ivan Lalov (Bulgaria)
  • Dumitru Luca (Romania)
  • Cristian P. Lungu (Romania)
  • Iosif Malaescu (Romania)
  • Pedja Mihailovic (Serbia)
  • Ioan Morjan (Romania)
  • Ibrahim Halil Mutlu (Turkey)
  • Ljubisa Nesic (Serbia)
  • Alexandru Nicolin (Romania)
  • Lucian Pintilie (Romania)
  • Viorel Pop (Romania)
  • Gheorghe Popa (Romania)
  • Ion V. Popescu (Romania)
  • Goran Ristic (Serbia)
  • Gheorghe Samoilescu (Romania)
  • Roman Schrittwieser (Austria)
  • Simion Simon (Romania)
  • Alexandru Stancu (Romania)
  • Cristian Teodorescu (Romania)
  • Mihai Toma (Romania)
  • Nicholay Tonchev (Bulgaria)
  • Valentin Urumov (Macedonia)
  • Miroslav Veskovic (Serbia)
  • Rodica Vladoiu (Romania)
  • Mihai Visinescu (Romania)
  • Daniel Vizman (Romania)
  • Latife Sahin Yalcin (Turkey)


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